Paint another layer of different color and let it dry. 9. Now that the trim was up and the doors were painted, I needed to give the flat surface of the doors the look of planked wood. How much gel stain did you need? Now that weve gotten THAT out of the way, let me show you how I redeemed myself and actually painted my door to look like wood! You can read my step-by-step tutorial in this post and watch the video Ive put together that shows you how this all went down! Staining a Fiberglass Door - The Practical House Painting Guide What colors (gel stain and Minwax stain) did you use on your white doors to get the look? You can use any color you want depending on the tone and look you are going for. Mahogany Door. Now, wipe any excess glaze mixture off your brush with a paper towel. Your email address will not be published. Whether your door is metal, wood or fiberglass, you are just sanding to scuff up the surface. When painting a door, I like to paint the panels first and then move to the flat surfaces, always brushing in the direction of the grain. It already looked better than it ever did with the orange base color, but it still wasnt great. It is wood but painted white with an exterior latex paint. For exterior doors and garage doors, I recommend this one: Varathanes Waterbased Spar Urethane. Required fields are marked *. Foam Brushes (Optional) I like to add my topcoat with a foam brush to get a smoother finish without brush strokes. Step 4: Add faux planks. Start brushing lengthwise in the direction the grain would go. Drill most holes straight down. [6] Before you start treating the wood, use rags and a heavy duty degreaser to clean the doors. Quantity depends on size of door. I love this and want to do this? After that layer dries, we remove the tape and retape the rest of the sections. Great Job! Your doors look amazing. Love this. This is optional but it will give your door an even more authentic look. Next, apply a coat of dark paint, such as black or brown. Its hard to believe that the stain is just latex paint and a little glaze! Did you know that you can give any metal or fiberglass door the look of wood with a few paint supplies from your local home improvement store? OK so after my orange paint plus gel stain disaster pictured above, I realized that the gel stain wasnt the problem; the orange paint was. I went to my basement and found a gallon of flat latex paint in a soft brown shade. It was left by the previous homeowners and I considered it a gift from God. If your door is rusty to the point that it has structural damage, it is probably time to get a new door. I do not think the technique will work on metal. For more spiritual encouragement, click here for the rest of my project posts that also include Renovate Your Faith devotionals. Love your blog, such a talented lady Supplies to purchase for the project: (Affiliate links). Love this! How to Apply Paint that Looks Like Wood - Bob Vila Awesome Rita! Im thinking of doing the same to the trim, base and cornice molding. 6.17. Check out my post on refinishing an exterior door with gel stain for all of the info youll need. The shelf resembles a shallow drawer that glides out for easy access to items stored in the back of the cabinet. Yes! You can, and Ive done it before! So, when you see this verse, dont shrink back in faith doubting the truth of this promise. It looks very nice on the pine too, helping to add a more white wood look and a less yellow pine tone. Beautiful, Debbie! The second coat of gel stain is necessary for getting a wood look finish! Do the entire glazing process (above) to just the paneled areas going up and down. It's the perfect opportunity to incorporate decorative glass into your home. Keep brushing in long strokes and you will start to see the appearance of wood grain. Our exclusive engraining and staining process simulates a wide variety of wood finishes, from ash to walnut, including custom finish matching. This blog is about transformation. I dont know if it would work over a metal door. Just pick a lighter gel color. Thanks so much for stopping over today. Dont forget to take a before pic. I have the same question Im wanting to do my garage doors do the stain gel first leave over night then the stain Tks for sharing yours look amazing. Once it has dried, mix an equal amount of acrylic glaze with white latex paint. BASE COAT PAINT: Valspar Coastal Villa This is a Valspar color but you can also get it in a SW sample. Sand the . I will have to check out your vanity. How to Create the Faux Woodgrain Topcoat Here are the tools in the order I used them: Paint brush, woodgraining tool, wallpaper paste brush, whisk broom, chip brush. This is actually so much better than having a genie-in-a-bottle type of God. Take a wet washcloth (not dripping but not TOO wrung out) and dip it into a tiny bit of paint. Matthew 7:7 presents a truth that is better than a genie-in-a-bottle prayer life because God guards us against ourselves by only granting actions that are best for us. If your door has raised panels, paint in the wood direction. You will only need one sample of this color for both layers. There is one difference with this shade and that is that you dry brush white on the finish as a final step which I explain in the link above. How to Make a Metal Door Look Like Distressed Wood. I used the cheese cloth for in between wiping the gel to get more of that wood look with variations of color. DIY Weathered Wood Look with Paint (simple technique!) It also adheres well and you will get excellent results. How to Change White Trim to Look Like Wood Grain | Hunker Do you think it would be possible to use gel stain over this first stain to get the rich Grain look you achieved? For woodgrain doors, apply a thin coat of the stain to the door using a 2.5-3" bristle brush. Or darker gel and then lighter normal stain? If you have minor bleed through on areas, dont worry about touching it up. Perfect timing! You risk scratching the newly painted surface. Nothing is going to make your dark wood trim look more orangey or "dated" than choosing a warm color tone on your walls (yellow, tan, orange, red etc..). That was up until this past year when we actually had a custom tobacco wood barn door. Base Coat See the information below for the right base coat for your shade of faux stain. Thank you. [7] 4. If you want the look of a wood garage door, you can use this same process on your metal or fiberglass door. Checking In With Chelsea DIY ideas, crafts, and tips for your home subscribe and never miss a thing! The manufacturer instructions say to do so but as Im doing I feel like its undoing some of my work. So I decided to get out my paint brushes and start making some magic happen. Install a Pull-Out Cabinet Shelf. (112) Write a review. Baby Wipes (Required for Driftwood Finish and nice to have on-hand for any other finishes) I recommend Huggies Natural Care because I can guarantee the chemicals in those wipes will not wipe away the dried base coat. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It's as easy as painting a door but looks so much better! I let the door dry for the time recommended on the sealer, and in the end, I succeeded at painting my door to look like wood! Pro Tip: Youll notice that the top and bottom trim sections of each panel are technically going horizontal. So if you are looking for a darker version of one of the stains above, its easy to get that look! They make both. I am not sure if it would work on metal. Please do not post one (or more) of my printables on your site without my permission. I appreciate that. This color combination will make the interior cozy and comfortable. I brushed the Cover Stain primer on the entire door with a cheap brush that I can just throw away afterward. This island has 6 doors and 6 drawers on the front side and 2 more tall slim doors on the backside. Thank you. This easy and inexpensive how-to will show you how to make your door look like wood using gel stain! You have to rub hard and give a little elbow to it. This first picture shows the competed job. Thanks so much for sharing! I know you mentioned it was regular liquid stain that you wiped in as an accent color. To learn more about sanding, check out this post here: How to Sand in Less Than 5 Minutes. Sand the door by hand with 80-grit sandpaper. Now stain and finish as usual. I would recommend however, giving everything a light sanding before you start. *. Stained Wood Floor to Match White Doors with Orangish Wood Trim. How to Make a Fiberglass Door Look Like Wood - Johnny Counterfit Next, we will take off sections of our door to give the same look of a real hardwood door that has been constructed out of different pieces of wood. Hey Nikki, The process would be the same. Thanks for being a subscriber!! I have an entire post devoted to it that you can see here: Faux Driftwood Finish on Latex Paint. **Here's a tip: get your mitt slightly damp with water before dipping it in the finish coat. Because of the additional step, get a sample size container of Sherwin Williams Pure White or just use any white/cream latex paint you have on hand. How to Paint a Metal Door to Look Like Wood - Lyndale Drive BASE COAT: Valspar Coastal Villa This is a Valspar color but you can also get it in a SW sample. How to Paint Faux Wood (with Pictures) - wikiHow To get each glaze layer, you will mix the paint with water and glaze as I describe in Step 4. I wanted it to mirror the wood floors below. I dont blame you Amy! Flat panel doors and even builder-basic hollow core doors can be completely transformed with just a little trim, paint, and creativity! My question isdoes the gel stain work over painted wood and over metal doors?? Do the panels first, then the vertical parts and then the long horizontal parts. How to Make a Door Look Like Wood Step by Step Guide Step 1: Sand and Tape Off Hardware or Remove Hardware You will want to make sure that you sand down the door until it is nice and smooth. Hey! Hey Annette, Dont sand between the clear coat layers. Wondering if this would work? Stain for Mahogany Door - Houzz You will mix the paint, glaze and water in the ratio listed in step 4. Please experiment on some scrap before trying this on something. Making Oak "Look Old" - WOODWEB . Can I do this Technique on a laminate vanity top? Since this is a metal door that has no grain, Im usually brushing length-wise as you can see in the video. It is white wood but with exterior latex paint. How many times have you asked God for something that you later realized would have been your lifes biggest dumpster fire had it come to pass? ), The Best Wood Grain Filler for Oak Cabinets. However, there is a traditional stain that I used to go over it. Thanks in advance! Remove the door from the hinges, using a drill/driver. Start with the inside panels and work your way to the outside of the door. Use it as a white wash stain. Really? I just winged it. Measure inside of the window vertically and cut trim accordingly. The plastic drop cloths were great. If you are wondering how to paint a door to look like stained wood with a more traditional grain, one of these options is for you. 33 Bookcase Projects and Building Tips | Family Handyman The sanding will only take a couple of minutes. Maybe your salvaged wood already has some paint, if not add a quick coat of whatever color you like and then sand it off using a rough grit sandpaper. You can see below that I refinished my breakfast table and the coffee table in my living room with this stain color here: How to Use Paint as a Stain, GLAZE LAYER 2: Sherwin Williams Black Bean, This is a versatile stain that works well for a traditional look or a more rustic farmhouse style. Here you can see the second coat of gel stain and woodgraining process on the entire door, except the outer columns. To make wood trim look more current and fresh, I suggest staying FAR AWAY from any very warm tone on the wall. You can also use one and store it in a baggie in your frig until you do the next coat. If you are painting an interior door to look like wood, you want to be sure it coordinates with your home decor. White Wood Trim with Blue Skirting. Designed by Treeium, a remodeling company based in Southern California, this type of garage door is a popular style for contemporary homes. Finally, soak a rag in coloring agent and buff it into the edges. Good luck. Apply wax (candle) to places you want the wood/base paint color to show. How to Paint a Interior Door to Look Weathered - SFGATE The purpose of sanding isn't to remove the finish, but to etch it so the primer adheres. Doors are not easy but you make it look so simple. I think this finish will absolutely work on those other areas you mentioned! Thank you for sharing!!! I followed your steps to do this to trim in our house. Wanting to do this to my pantry today! I wanted to give them a upgrade, but didn't want to spend 120.00 per door since I have 5 of them in the hallway. Faux Woodgrain Finish on My Front Doors - In My Own Style I hesitate to have to mix a second batch just in case it doesnt come out quite the same. I love that color and want to do mine the same as yours. Yes I do. In fact, I was really happy at how easy it truly was. If you are working on an exterior door, keep any other exterior doors or garage doors in mind when picking out your shade. No problem, I just want to be sure that the one glaze layer has Turkish Coffee, and a second glaze layer has Harvest. If your door has no panels that you will paint off first, you will do the whole door as one panel to create a wood grain on a steel entry door. Thanks for sharing! I refinished my door in a vertical position so I could get better video shots but it is easier to refinish horizontally on a table. Also, if your walls are dark, consider the raw wood finish or Restoration hardware finish to add contrast. It also falls into the category of pantry door ideas that can serve to entertain children during meal preparation or cleanup time. 2. I made a shelf out of recycled wood. BUDGET-FRIENDLY TIP If your hardware needs an upgrade but you dont want to spend a lot, now is a great time to spray paint it. The INDUSTRIAL curtain rods are When staining, rub the stain across the grain in generous amounts. Simply wipe it over the first layer with a clean rag, let dry. If you do this, a clear coat is a must and Id feel confident enough doing this on a garage door for it to last long-term. With this easy step-by-step tutorial and video, Ill show you exactly how to do your own door makeover on a budget! Paint Front Door To Look Like Wood - GLAZE LAYER 2: This color and also Driftwood has the same shade (SW Van Dyke Brown) for layer one and two. My garage door faces the front of our house but because it is not right beside the front door, I dont have to match exactly. The look is perfect though I think anyhow. The boys used to have a basketball hoop set up over it and they banged the heck out of the door. 6.15 Step 4: Mixing Your Paint That Looks Like Wood. It turned out great.. still very nice even without a top coat and that was 3 years ago..but it did take along time to dry.. before it wasnt tacky anymore. Once it is dry, continue the rest of the process as normal. White Doors, Stained Wood Trim, and Coordinating Stair Railing. How to lime wood to get that white wash effect | Real Homes I have a questionhow has the door held up? Chances are there is at least one layer of paint on your door and we want to make sure the new paint adheres to the old surface. Stir (dont shake) the can of clear coat. Follow this tutorial for taping off the different sections of your door but do the process listed here: Easy Raw Wood Finish With Paint. These homeowners were looking for new garage doors to complement the age and character of their 1950s farmhouse-style garage in rural Vermont.